91-9783368645, 91-9928285111

Project Finance and Subsidy:

The use of project finance in conjunction with subsidy services can help reduce the risk associated with financing large-scale projects and promote the development of critical infrastructure. We help to promote sustainable economic development by assisting in getting financial incentives to project owners and structuring financing in a way that ensures the repayment of investors, subsidy services and project finance.

Our Project Finance and Subsidy Services Includes:

  • CMA Data Preparation
  • Project Report Preparation
  • Liaisoning with Financial Institutions.
  • Assistance for Benefits/ Subsidies in Govt. Schemes

  CMA data preparation:

Preparation of CMA data with a comprehensive overview of a borrower's financial position and creditworthiness helping the financial institutions to make informed decisions.

  Project Report Preparation:

Professional assistance in preparation of project report by involving feasibility study, analyzing market trends, assessing financial viability, developing a project plan, and identifying potential risks and challenges.

  Liasoning with Financial institutions:

Efforts are made to establish liasoning with various financial institutions for requirement of project finance for clients.

  Assistance for Benefits/ Subsidies in Govt. Schemes:

Identifying and accessing various subsidies, grants, and other forms of financial assistance provided by the Central and State Government.

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