91-9783368645, 91-9928285111


We provide independent examination and verification of financial information and controls to provide assurance to stakeholders that the information is accurate and reliable.

With our team's expertise and qualifications, we can conduct a thorough and efficient examination of your books. We possess tools and knowledge to detect anomalies and flags hidden in the transactions in order to make informed decisions.

Our Auditing Services Includes:

  • Internal Audit
  • Statutory & Tax Audit
  • Audit Under Specific Laws
  • Audit of Special Entities
  • Performance Audits

 Internal Audit:

Apart from framing business process and controls, we conduct regular evaluations of financial records and internal controls for effective risk management and compliance.

 Statutory & Tax Audit:

Framing of independent opinion on the accuracy of financial statement and records as per the company law.

 Audit Under Specific Laws:

Provide audit services under specific such as Income Tax, GST etc.

 Audit of Special Entities:

Audit service for schools, trust and other businesses

 Performance Audits:

Forensic audit, Stock audit and its management etc.

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