91-9783368645, 91-9928285111

Legal and Consultancy

Timely strategic financial advice is the success indicator in today’s rapidly evolving competitive landscape. Our team understands the importance of identifying opportunities and creating suitable financial advice to help clients achieve their business desires. We work closely with our clients to analyze their unique situations and develop customized financial recommendations that align with their objectives to make informed decisions.

Our Legal and Consultancy Services Includes:

  • Drafting and Review
  • Representation Before Authorities
  • Project Management Consultancy
  • Financial Analysis
  • Legal Opinion

  Drafting and Review:

Drafting and review on legal agreements, deeds and documents.

  Representation Before Authorities:

Representation before authorities, drafting and filing appeal and present before Authorities.

  Project Management Consultancy:

Preparation of feasible study, design budgetary control system and development of MIS, assigning responsibilities, setting timelines etc.

  Financial Analysis:

Professional financial planning and analysis with a insights into the organization's profitability, liquidity, solvency, and overall financial health.

 Legal Opinion:

Tender customized legal solutions that are dependable and tailored to meet the specific needs according to the situation.

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