91-9783368645, 91-9928285111

Business Valuation:

Business valuation is a tool for business owners, investors and other stakeholders to determine the economic value of a business. It provides a basis for making important financial decisions such as mergers and acquisitions, raising capital, or selling a business etc. Several approaches and methods along with variety of tools are used to determine the value of a business, including financial statements, market research, industry analysis, market trends, economic conditions, competitive pressures etc.

Our Business Valuation Services Includes:

  • Share Valuation
  • Intangible Asserts Valuation
  • ESOP Valuation
  • Startup Valuation

Share Valuation:

Calculating the value of business, share and financial instruments by analyzing financial statements, market trends, and industry conditions etc.

Intangible Asserts Valuation:

Conduct intangible asset valuation by assessing the asset's future economic benefits and risk factors to determine its fair market value.

ESOP Valuation:

ESOP valuation for unlisted entities, valuation of sweat equity share, determination of the strike price for employee stock option plans, valuation the options for accounting and regulatory purposes.

Startup Valuation:

Provide startup valuation service which provide a realistic and credible value for the start up business and this is helpful for both investors and the business.

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